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The Self-Compassionate Break
Finding Your Core Values
Sense and Savor Meditation
Stress Reset Starter Kit for Women in Medicine: STOP Micro Practice

Stress Reset Starter Kit for Women in Medicine: STOP Micro Practice

The field of medicine can be incredibly demanding, both physically and mentally. With long hours, high stakes, and complex decision-making, it can be easy to get lost in a fog of thoughts and worries about the past and future. For women in medicine, these pressures can be compounded by gender discrimination, imposter syndrome, and other forms of systemic bias. One tool that can be particularly helpful for women in medicine is the STOP practice . This is The S of the SOARING SYSTEM, and is STOP and surrender to your senses to anchor yourself into the present moment, and out of the fog of our thoughts that take us into the future and the past. To begin the STOP practice, find a quiet space where you can sit or stand comfortably. Close your eyes or keep them open, whichever feels most comfortable for you. Take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to release any tension or stress you may be carrying. Then, begin to focus on the sensations in your body. Use the tree metaphor to help you anchor yourself in the present moment. Imagine that your body is like a tree, with your feet firmly rooted to the ground like the roots of a tree. Allow yourself to feel the sensations of your feet on the floor or the earth beneath you. Notice how the ground supports you and how your body responds to that support. Next, turn your attention to your breath. Allow yourself to feel the sensation of your breath moving in and out of your body, like the trunk of a tree expanding and contracting. Notice how your breath feels in your body, whether it is shallow or deep, fast or slow. Finally, imagine your arms outstretched above your head, with each finger representing a branch for your sense of sound, taste, smell, and sight. Allow yourself to notice what you can hear, taste, smell, and see in the present moment. Without judging or analyzing these sensations, simply observe them and let them be. By practicing STOP regularly, you can cultivate greater awareness and resilience in the face of stress and uncertainty. You can learn to respond to challenging situations with greater clarity and intention, rather than reacting impulsively or out of habit. And you can find greater peace and balance in your daily life, even amidst the demands of a career in medicine. For women in medicine, the STOP practice can be especially powerful. By surrendering to your senses and grounding yourself in the present moment, you can create a safe and supportive space for yourself, free from the pressures and expectations of others. You can find greater strength and confidence in your own intuition and expertise, and you can cultivate a deeper sense of connection and compassion for yourself and others.
Stress Reset Starter Kit for Women in Medicine: MINDFITNESS METHOD

Stress Reset Starter Kit for Women in Medicine: MINDFITNESS METHOD

The MindFitness Method to manage stress and prevent burnout is the basis of the psychological wall of our MindFitness Toolbox For Medicine. Burnout is a common problem in the medical field, and it can lead to physical and mental health issues, as well as decreased job satisfaction and productivity. The MindFitness Method aims to address these issues by teaching women in medicine how to manage stress and prevent burnout through a series of easy evidence-based stress-management techniques and practices you can do in your busy day. The SOARING SYSTEM is the foundation of the MindFitness Method. It is an acronym that stands for Stop, Observe, Allow, Release, Investigate, Nourish, and Grow. SOAR is based on acceptance and commitment therapy and allows us to accept our emotions, and choose to respond to them rather than getting caught up in our cycles of reactivity. The ING Is based on positive neuroplasticity and how we can let in the good by cultivating calm, compassion, contentment, and connection, and rewire our brains from its negativity bias. Let's explore each of these steps in more detail: STOP and surrender to your senses to anchor you into the present moment. This step encourages you to take a moment to pause and become fully present in the moment. By focusing on the present moment, You can ground yourself in your busy day, reduce anxiety and stress and improve your ability to respond to challenges effectively. OBSERVE your thoughts and feelings like a curious scientist and name them to tame them. This step encourages you to become aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment. By naming your emotions, you can take a step back and observe your thoughts and feelings with greater clarity. ALLOW your emotions with kindness and feel them to heal them. This step encourages you to accept your emotions without judgment. By allowing you to feel your emotions, you can process and heal from them more effectively. RELEASE your thoughts of striving, inner critic/imposter syndrome, judgment, and resistance because what we resist persists. This step encourages you to let go of negative thoughts and emotions that may be holding you back. By releasing these thoughts you can accept your emotions, allowing you to respond to them rather than react to them. INVESTIGATE what inner resource of calm, compassion, contentment, or connection we need to rewire our brains. This step encourages you to explore your inner resources and find ways to tap into them. By cultivating these inner resources, you can let in the good of positive emotions and can reduce stress, and improve your well-being. NOURISH the positive emotions with all of your senses to let in the good. This step encourages you to engage their senses to create a more positive emotional experience. By nourishing your emotions, you can cultivate positive emotions and create a more positive outlook on life. GROW our neural pathways by giving them three breaths to rewire our brains. This step encourages you to take the good into your body, in order to rewire your brain. This process is called savoring or positive neuroplasticity. The MindFitDr Course and The MindFitnessGym for Medicine are two programs that offer training in the MindFitness Method. These programs provide individuals with the tools and techniques they need to manage stress and prevent burnout effectively. In conclusion, the MindFitness Method is a valuable tool for medical professionals looking to manage stress and prevent burnout. By following the SOARING SYSTEM, you can learn to manage your thoughts and emotions effectively, cultivate positive emotions, and improve your well-being. The MindFitDr Course and The MindFitnessGym for Medicine offer a comprehensive training program that can help you achieve these goals and improve your quality of life. Created by InShot
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
30 Minute MindFitness Yin Yoga For Letting go:Yin Yoga For the spine

30 Minute MindFitness Yin Yoga For Letting go:Yin Yoga For the spine

MindFitness Yin Yoga For Letting Go is the first of a three-part series of Self-Care Yin yoga to Bring Back Balance From Burnout We look at the first principle of Playing Your Edge and Letting Go of Overwhelm and find our Zone of Resilience ( our comfort in our discomfort) in the target area of a pose. We look at how it is more about what the pose feels like in a pose rather than what it looks like (Function over form). We discuss how having a physical edge of sensation to similar to our emotional edges ... where we are constantly finding our way between the Resilience and challenge and that of Overwhelm, and how we can play that Download the free mini-course The Stress Reset for Covid Fatigue and Burnout, which has bonus Yin Yoga and meditations included. Join the MindFitnessDr. Yin Yoga Subscription for more Yin Yoga classes and courses, including MindFitness Yin Yoga For Beginners, MindFitness Yin Yoga to Cultivate Gratitude, Myoyin Yoga to Boost your Immune System, and Self-Compassion Yin yoga (and More). Or join the MindFitness Gym, where you get unlimited access to on-demand MinDfitness Yin Yoga and MInDfitness Courses. We also have Monthly Masterminds and Challenges to implement the inner resource we are rewiring that month.
Dancing With Your Inner Critic or Your Inner Coach? Self Compassion MindFitness Yin Yoga

Dancing With Your Inner Critic or Your Inner Coach? Self Compassion MindFitness Yin Yoga

Welcome to "Dancing with Our Inner Critic: A Journey of Self-Compassion," a unique Yin Yoga experience designed to help you embrace self-love and understanding. In today’s class, we’ll embark on a transformative journey, exploring the landscapes of our minds and hearts through the gentle, introspective practice of Yin Yoga. Yin Yoga, known for its slow, meditative approach, provides us with the perfect setting to confront and dance with our inner critic. This inner voice, often critical and limiting, can be a barrier to our true happiness and self-acceptance. Our practice today focuses on replacing self-criticism with self-compassion, using mindful movements and breath as our tools. As we move through each pose, we’ll encourage moments of reflection, inviting you to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This class isn't just about physical flexibility; it's about cultivating mental and emotional resilience. By acknowledging and understanding our inner critic, we can learn to transform it into a source of strength and wisdom. Remember, this is a safe space for all. There’s no need for perfection or comparison. Each pose can be modified to suit your comfort level, and we encourage you to listen to your body and honor its needs. So, let's take this time to slow down, breathe deeply, and dance gracefully with our inner critic. Through this practice, may you find a deeper sense of peace, self-compassion, and joy in your life . Namaste
Introduction to MYOYIN for Self-Care
Myoyin for Feet and Legs_Anchoring Into the Present Moment
Myoyin for The Torso_The observing & Accepting Self
Myoyin for Face and Shoulders_Letting it Soak In
Myoyin for Shoulders, Arms & Hands_Surrendering & Letting go
Begin to Yin 1: Function over Form. Beginners MindFitness Yin Yoga

Begin to Yin 1: Function over Form. Beginners MindFitness Yin Yoga

Hi . I am Dr. Robyn Charlton if the MindFitnessDr. Begin to Yin is a series of classes introducing you to and explaining the principles of MindFitness Yin yoga. If you are new to yoga ( or not so new), then this is the class for you. Yin yoga is mainly floor-based postures held for a period of time. It stretches the fascial tissues, removing the fuzz and hydrating that area, removing stiffness, and improving flexibility. We use props such as pillows, bolsters, and blocks so we can relax the muscles and get into the ligaments, tendons etc. As it is slow medicine, it is an opportunity for us also to practice our microMindfitness practices. It is about a target area, not a target pose so different variations are given for each posture. We all have different skeletal variations, so we all look different in the same pose. When we stretch we also release a hormone called GABA from our brains, which turns off our flight or fight the sympathetic nervous system. That is one of the reasons why we feel so relaxed after a class. I found Yin yoga to be an integral part of my recovery from Burnout, and hope you enjoy this introductory series .Download the free mini-course The Stress Reset for Covid Fatigue and Burnout, which has bonus Yin Yoga and meditations included. Join the MindFitnessDr. Yin Yoga Subscription for more Yin Yoga classes and courses, including MindFitness Yin Yoga For Beginners, MindFitness Yin Yoga to Cultivate Gratitude, Myoyin Yoga to Boost your Immune System, and Self-Compassion Yin yoga (and More). Or join the MindFitness Gym, where you get unlimited access to on-demand MindFitness Yin Yoga and MIndFItness Courses. We also have Monthly Masterminds and Challenges to implement the inner resource we are rewiring that month.
Begin to Yin 3: Resolving to Be Still
Final of Begin to Yin 5
Grit 4:Fierce Determination
Grit2: Patience
Grit 1: Self Agency
Gratitude-Self Appreciation
Taking pleasure in everyday things
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